Sustainable employer
PostNord Strålfors provides a safe and satisfying work environment. We have a holistic view of health that includes physical, mental and social well-being.

Safety rounds
PostNord Strålfors works with mapping and risk analyzes to manage and prevent risks in the work environment as well as prevent work injuries and illness. Continuous supervision of locale, machinery, workstations and other protective activities is done in each department.
Working conditions
All our employees have the right to join associations, organizations and the right to organize themselves in union associations. We respect the right to collective bargaining and the right to sign collective agreements. The requirements of the ILO Nuclear Conventions5 should be followed if they go beyond national legislation.
Diversity, equality and inclusion
PostNord's work for gender equality and diversity is based on the view that people's differences contribute to an attractive and dynamic workplace. Every employee is entitled to be respected. No employee may be violated, discriminated or harassed in any way, for any reason or in any connection.
The initiative “Move – Change for Diversity” aims to bring diversity issues into the spotlight throughout the PostNord Group.
In order to increase gender equality, it was decided in 2010 that at least 40% of PostNord Group's managers and leaders should be women. PostNord Strålfors reached the target in 2017. It was achieved by seeking job candidates both internally and externally, and the ambition that every recruitment should include both women and men among the final candidates.